Dairy Products

Milk replacers, fat-rich whey sprays and cheese sub-products are vital components in initiation feeds.
The majority of these products are manufactured in our factory and we aim to provide our clients with a wide range of possibilities on formulating the optimum feed for an efficient initiation.

Milk Replacer Line for Feed

SUSTILEN, our milk replacer line, offers a range of protein/lactose products of varying concentrations which allows the client to adapt to the formula requirements of the animal and available nutrients.

Fat-filled Whey Line

Our product GRASALEN SPRAY comprises of various Fat-Filled Whey products. These contain 50% gross fat, obtained from animal fat or vegetable oil (coconut or palm).
These are necessary components of initiation formulas as they provide a solid based fat, avoiding the purchase and storage of this type of expensive lipids of a limited use.

Dairy Sub-Products

As part of our Dairy product line and our special line of initiation concentrates, sweet and acid whey products are always available. These can be found in our manufactured products but can also be purchased as a source of lactose.
